Thursday, June 4, 2009

LYV Charter Commission Endorsements

The League of Young Voters has announced their endorsements for the Charter Commission:

District 1
Ben Chipman

District 2
Dan Jenkins

District 3
Laurie J. Davis

District 4
John Spritz

District 5
Peter Rickett

At - Large
James Cohen
Nathan Smith
Jim Gooch
Paul Farrell
In order to receive League endorsement, candidates and issues needed to win a simple majority using an Instant Runoff Voting ballot. Our multi-partisan Elections Committee then spends up to 8 hours a week researching and interviewing candidates. Committed League members who have racked up a minimum of 8 hours of volunteer time are then allowed to vote on their favorite candidates. We are focused and committed to ensuring that our endorsed candidates have the skills and background necessary for elected office and would be excellent advocates for issues affecting young people.