Monday, June 25, 2012

Portland's Coffee Boom

Like the recent micro-brewery expansion, Portland is adding several coffeehouses and roasters. Is gourmet pizza next? MaineBiz:
Walsh's Arabica and Mary Allen Lindemann and Alan Spear's Coffee By Design, a fellow pioneer in Portland's local, independent coffee community that had opened the year before, together established a coffee culture in Portland that today boasts three coffeehouses per 10,000 people, as many specialty and commercial coffeehouses per capita as Portland, Ore., and second in the country only to Seattle in coffee shop density. Of the specialty coffee set, there lately has been particular buzz. There are now 10 locally owned gourmet coffeehouses on the Portland peninsula that roast their own coffee, up from four spots a decade ago, and in July a new roastery with top-notch pedigree plans to open in the Bayside neighborhood.
tip PFM